
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Nutrition Journey Continued

 April 4, 2024

Nutrition and fitness journey continued.  It has been years since my last post.  In those many years I have continued my fitness and nutritional journey.  I've gained and lost several pounds over the years.  My struggle to maintain my weight and yet be happy with where I am at along my journey has continued on.  I continue to be fascinated with health.  It has always been an area I am drawn too.  It never bores me.  At times I wished I could stop thinking about health, but in so many ways it rules our lives.  No matter how hard you try to deny that over-eating makes you miserable or that lugging around 10-20 lbs of extra weight doesn't effect you the truth comes back to haunt you.  Unfortunately, the extra weight puts strain on your body and foods that don't provide nutrients make you feel miserable.   Why do we continue to poison our bodies in the name of doing what I want or doing something that feels good.  I've heard that drugs also make you feel good, but many people choose not to do them because they know the havoc they cause.  

What if we thought about food differently.  Instead of thinking about indulging ourselves what if we thought of food as fuel and nutrients that feed our amazing bodies.  Would you put water in your gas tank?  I hope not.  If you do you are not going to get anywhere.  It's the same thing with food.  We need to eat foods that fuel our bodies.  When you feed your kids a healthy meal there is just something satisfying about it.  You are taking care of them.  You are helping them operate at an optimal level.

As you begin your journey on health it is I important to always keep in mind the reason you want to be healthy.  You have been blessed with a body that you are a steward over therefore it is your job to keep it as healthy as possible.

There are so many different tricks to health and the food industry in America seems to be working against us.  They want to make money and addicting you to products that you can't live with out is a good way for them to make money.  Obviously just because you want to make money does not always mean you are trying to do something harmful.  It is just important to remember only you have your best interest.  Listen to your body.  Everyone has different sensitivities or tolerances.   

The best rule I've learned over the years is to prioritize Protein and Fiber.  Also remember to eat real foods.  Read ingredients.  If you don't know what is in it, it probably is not good for you.  Next move your body.  No matter what you do move.  Moving helps you feel better because it is good for you.  I promise as you begin to feed yourself real food and move your body you will be happier and feel better than ever.

I'm going to return to my love of all things health and add them here.  Anything new I learn or want to share with future generations I'm going to post here.

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