
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Product I love and Why I love it!

I love this vinegar, because it has the naturally occurring 'mother' !

This Salad dressings is delicious and there is not one ingredient that is not a real food item!

I originally bought this at a local little health store. They have gone out of business, so when I find a new place to buy it, I will post it!

Getting Healthy!

A few years ago I thought I was eating pretty good. I new I could do better, but really did not want to. As time went on and I began to get older I realized the Junk in my Trunk was beginning to way me down! I was pretty flabby! I thought to myself, "Hmmm, I wonder what I am going to look like and feel like in a few years, if I keep this up?" The image was not exciting to me, and so I said to myself again "Get your bootie out of bed and do something!" "Take a hold of your life, and make it the best life you can live!" Now I had a lot of excuses, you know, 4 kids, a baby that woke up at night, etc..... So I said again to myself as I do like to talk to myself...... "No more EXCUSES!"

I started by throwing out all the food in my cupboard that had hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup in the ingredients! Can you believe I gave away Stewed tomatoes that had high fructose corn syrup? I thought I would just be getting rid of snack crackers! I couldn't believe that they would put high fructose corn syrup in my tomatoes. I don't even really like tomatoes! I always read the labels on everything! The fewer ingredients the better! I want to be eating real food, not fillers!

Next I started exercising! Just a little bit! I couldn't even run for longer than 30 seconds before I had to walk! I would try to do a pull-up and I just hung on the bar with a red face! The fact is that I started and I knew that in 21 days it would be a habit!

So this is how I started, and now I can't stop! It is my addiction! I love to find things that make my life easier and that is why I started this blog! I decided I would write all the things down that have made my life healthier and easier! Anything that motivates me to do better and make my life healthier and fuller! My moto taken from Tony Horton is "DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST!"